A compound (x) are neurotoxin occur in food stuff
A compound (x) are neurotoxin occur in food stuff, coffee, meat. It is natural alkaloids occurring in plants and mammalian tissues. They have a great variety of biological activities, including mutagenic behaviour due to their capability of binding to DNA, and various neurological effects due to their interactions with benzodiazepine and imidazoline receptors. Clinical studies correlated increased plasma concentrations of x compound with neurological diseases and also with high consumption of alcohol, heroin and tobacco. Different chromatographic methods have been employed for the determination of x compound in several samples and matrices. Thus, RP-HPLC coupled to mass spectrometry, fluorimetric and UV-Vis detection has been employed to quantify x compound in food and foodstuffs, human blood and hair, and HPLC with electrochemical detection is useful for determining x compound in foods and beverages as an alternative to gas chromatographic techniques. This conventional method of quantification can be replaced and we can avoid the use of organic solvents like acetonitrile.
Y compund are cyclic compounds with fascinating molecular recognition properties that have been exploited for the design of other host molecules. AS y compound has different dimension of cavities and water solubility, they present a variety of applications in chemistry and also in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries because they are non-toxic and inexpensive.
Inclusion complexation study of different forms of x compound will be carried out with Y compund characterization of complex UV-visible, Fluorescene, 1H-NMR, 2D ROESY, FT-IR, HR-MS, SEM. Increase level of X compund in blood cause tremor producing neurotoxicity. Biological application of this complexation in human blood or Human serum albumin to quantify concentration of X compund in various cooked food stuff.